Mission - Association des Ouellet-te d'Amérique

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Our Association of near three hundred members was incorporated on August 24th 1966. Its aims are:

  • To gather and bring together as many descendants as possible of the common ancestor René Hoûallet (Ouellet-te) in direct line and / or connected by marriage, to form a permanent organisation

  • To organize family gatherings or others in honour of the common ancestor and/or of his worthy descendants (centennials, tercentennials, of parishes, groups, golden wedding anniversaries etc…).

  • To maintain the commemorative monument, erected by donations at the open air Sanctuary of Notre-Dame-de Fatima, in "La Pocatière", and the adjacent lot.

  • To publish a bulletin bearing the name of  "LE HOÛALLET",a  periodical of the Association that will be sent  free to all  adherent members  The bulletin  will  publish questions of genealogy, history and heritage that may be of  interest to the members, students, and the general public. It will also serve to promote cultural life in our milieu

  • To have a mass celebrated each year at the Sanctuary of Notre-Dame-de -Fatima or elsewhere, depending on the circumstance, for the departed members of the Association.   

  • To promote cultural exchanges of information and documentation with similar associations or societies.

  • To promote brotherly assistance among members and to encourage them to support occasionally certain charities, within their means.

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